Whistleblowing Policy

BDO in Malaysia is committed to the highest standards of conduct and ethical behaviour through compliance with prevailing laws and regulations as well as our internal policies. BDO's global vision is to be the leader for exceptional client service where we strive to deliver the best possible outcome for our clients by providing quality services where we act with integrity. All employees and partners are required to uphold the BDO core values and conduct themselves in accordance with the highest degree of ethical and professional conduct.

This BDO Whistleblowing policy is developed pursuant to the provisions of the Whistleblower Protection Act 2010.

Who does the policy apply to?

This policy is available to all eligible persons. The following would be considered an eligible person under this policy:

  • All staff members (including partners, directors, temporary or full-time employees, secondees) and their dependents and relatives
  • Any former staff members and their dependents and relatives
  • Current and former contractors, suppliers, consultants, clients and business partners including their dependents and relatives

What can be reported?

As an eligible person you can report under this policy if you have reasonable grounds to suspect that a BDO staff member, former staff member, contractor, supplier or other person who has business dealings with BDO has engaged in conduct (‘reportable conduct’) that is: 

  • Fraudulent
  • Involves money laundering or misappropriation of funds
  • Corrupt
  • Illegal
  • Dishonest
  • Unethical
  • Violates the law or any regulatory requirements
  • Is creating an unsafe environment
  • Breaches any of our company’s policies
  • Discrimination
  • Harassment and or bullying of any kind
  • Detrimental to BDO and could cause financial or non-financial loss

How do I make a report? 

To ensure appropriate escalation and timely investigation we request that reports are made by utilising BDO EthicsLine, a confidential, whistleblowing service to record full details of any reportable conduct in accordance with this policy.

We are committed to ensuring that eligible persons who report disclosures under the BDO Whistleblowing Policy are fairly treated and that any report will be duly investigated by designated personnel in accordance with this policy. All disclosures reported will be treated as confidential (where requested) and the necessary protections as set out in this policy will apply.