Jeffrey Ong

Jeffrey Ong

Partner, Audit & Assurance

Regional Offices



Jeffrey Ong has more than 26 years of working experience in both the accounting and commercial sector. He was a senior manager in KPMG Malaysia and had 2 years’ working experience at KPMG London where he specialised in the insurance industry. Prior to joining BDO, he was an executive chairman of a public listed company in Malaysia.

During his tenure in KPMG, Jeffrey managed a portfolio of listed and non-listed statutory audit clients and special assignments which comprised preparation of accountant’s report, review of prospective financial information and proforma financial information for submission to the relevant authorities for IPOs and other corporate exercises. He has extensive experience in audits of various industries including insurance, manufacturing, plantation, automotive, property development and construction, trading, power and retail. Jeffrey had also undertaken numerous financial due diligence assignments in various industries both locally and abroad. 

Jeffrey has over 6 years’ commercial experience and was a General Manager (Corporate Finance) in a company listed in Malaysia. He was responsible for acquisition and disposal, evaluation of business proposals and joint ventures and various corporate finance works. He also oversaw the operations of the company which include manufacturing, investments, information technology and property development.

Currently in BDO Vietnam, Jeffrey manages a portfolio of multinational and foreign direct investment statutory audit clients of various industries including manufacturing, trading and power industry.


  • Fellow Member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)
  • Member of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA)
  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from University of Kent, Canterbury, England