Transfer Pricing

Transfer Pricing Services

Transfer Pricing is a crucial aspect of corporate finance that involves the pricing of goods, services, and intangibles between associated entities within a multinational group. At BDO, we recognize that Transfer Pricing is not just about compliance—it's a strategic element vital to the operational and financial efficiency of your business. It is also a key focus area for the Inland Revenue Board Malaysia, demanding meticulous attention and rigorous strategy.

Our services are developed to align with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development guidelines and local tax regulations, ensuring your transactions withstand scrutiny from tax authorities. We understand the importance of maintaining proper documentation and crafting a compelling narrative around the value creation within your business. BDO’s Transfer Pricing team excels in translating complex tax regulations into effective strategies that encompass planning, compliance, and managing tax disputes.


  • Intercompany Transfer Pricing Policy development 
  • Intra-group services and agreeements
  • Risk assessment and agreements
  • Cost allocation techniques 
  • Cost sharing, licensing and intangibles
  • Advance pricing agreements (APAs)


  • Preparation of transfer pricing Documents in compliance with section 140A of ITA and Transfer Pricing Rules 2012
  • Preparation of Master File and Local File
  • Preperation and submission of Country-by-Country Reports (CbCR)

Tax Controversy Management

  • Transfer pricing audit management
  • Transfer pricing dispute resolution
  • Transfer pricing risk management
Transfer pricing challenges require sophisticated solutions. At BDO, our dedicated team is prepared to offer insights and strategies tailored to your unique business needs. We invite you to read our full brochure and discover how our transfer pricing services can provide clarity, compliance, and strategic advantages in your global operations.

Get In Touch

Contact BDO today to discuss how we can bring clarity and compliance to your transfer pricing strategies, helping you to manage costs, risks, and opportunities with precision.